Таразар Констанс
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Таразар Констанс
Constance J Tarasar, Тарасар Конни, Тарасар Констанция
Окончил: Свято-Владимирская семинария, State University of New York
Преподавал в: Свято-Владимирская семинария
Организации: ВСЦ, Department of Religious Education for The Orthodox Church in America, Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Orthodox Christian Education Commission
Пресса: The Orthodox Church (газета), St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly
Испытал влияние: Шмеман Александр Дмитриевич
Направление: равноправие женщин в Церкви, образование (гностическое), экуменизм
(1938 - 2014)
Участница Пятой, Шестой и Седьмой Генеральных ассамблей ВСЦ.
женское священство
Участница Первого женского православного совещания.
- V Генеральная ассамблея ВСЦ (23 ноября 1975)
- Первое женское православное совещание (сентября 1976)
- VI Генеральная ассамблея ВСЦ (24 июля 1983)
- VII Генеральная ассамблея ВСЦ (7 февраля 1991)
- V всемирная конференция движения «Вера и церковное устройство» (3 августа 1993)
- VIII Генеральная ассамблея ВСЦ (3 декабря 1998)
- Tarasar, C. J. Woman: Handmaid of the Lord. Yonkers, NY: Thesis, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1965.
- Tarasar, C. J., ed., “Orthodox America 1794-1976” (Syosset, NY : Orthodox Church in America, 1975).
- Tarasar, C. J., and Kirillova, I., eds., (1977). “Orthodox Women, their Role and Participation in the Orthodox Church: Report on the Consultation of Orthodox Women”, 11-17 September, 1976, Agapia, Roumania (Geneva, Switzerland : World Council of Churches, 1977).
- Tarasar, C. J., ed., “Perspectives on Orthodox Education (Syosset, NY : SYNDESMOS and the Department of Religious Education of The Orthodox Church of America, 1983).
- Tarasar, C. J., “A Process Model for the Design of Curriculum for Orthodox Christian Religious Education”, unpublished doctoral dissertation (1989) at the State University of New York at Albany, NY.
- Tarasar, C. J., “Woman: Handmaid of the Lord: The Role of Woman in the Church Viewed in Dogmatic and Historical Perspective”, unpublished M.Div. thesis (1965) at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1989). A process model for the design of curriculum for Orthodox Christian religious education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Albany.
- Tarasar, C. J. (Ed.). (1983b). Perspectives on Orthodox education. Syosset, NY: SYNDESMOS and the Department of Religious Education of the Orthodox Church of America.
- Tarasar, C. J., and Kirillova, I. (Eds.). (1977a). Orthodox women, their role and participation in the Orthodox Church: Report on the consultation of Orthodox women. September 11-17, 1976, Agapia, Roumania. Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches.
- Tarasar, C. J. (Ed.). (1975). Orthodox America. 1794-1976. Syosset, NY: Orthodox Church in America.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1965). "Woman: Handmaid of the Lord: The Role of Woman in the Church Viewed in Dogmatic and Historical Perspective." Unpublished M.Div Thesis, Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.
- Тарасар, Констанция. С нами Бог. Уроки 1-36. Руководство для преподавателя. К пособию по катехизации для детей 11-12 лет. — СПб.: Санкт-Петербургское христианское просветительское общество «Кредо», 2002. — 88 с. — 2000 экз. — ISBN 5-93628-012-8.
- Тарасар, Констанция. Наша жизнь с Богом. Руководство для преподавателя к пособию по катехизации для детей младшего школьного возраста (7-10 лет). Первый год обучения. / Пособие рекомендовано Отделом религиозного образования и катехизации для церковно-приходских воскресных школ православных учебных заведений и факультативных занятий в общеобразовательных школах по «Основам православной культуры». — СПб.: Санкт-Петербургское христианское просветительское общество «Кредо», 2001. — Т. Ч. 1-2. — 3000 экз. — ISBN 5-93628-019-5.
- в сборниках
- Tarasar, C. J., ‘The Minority Problem: Educating for Identity and Openness’, in “Religious Pluralism and Religious Education”, ed. N. H. Thompson (Birmingham, AL : Religious Education Press, 1988), pp. 195-210.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1995). Orthodox theology and religious education. In R. C. Miller (Ed.), Theologies of religious education (pp. 83-120). Birmingham, Ala: Religious Education Pr.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1988a). Taste and see: An Eastern Orthodox perspective. In M. Mayr (Ed.), Does the church really want religious education: An ecumenical inquiry (pp. 67-81). Birmingham, Ala: Religious Education Pr.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1988b). The minority problem: Educating for identity and openness. In N. H. Thompson (Ed.), Religious pluralism and religious education (pp. 195-210). Birmingham, Ala: Religious Education Pr.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1988c). The 'sixties and 'seventies. In J. Meyendorff, V. Borichevsky, & W. Schneirla (Eds.), A legacy of excellence: St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1938-1988 (pp. 35-40). Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Pr.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1983a). Taste and see: Orthodox children at worship. In D. Apostolos-Cappadona, (Ed.), The sacred play of children (pp. 43-54). New York, NY: Seabury Pr.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1981a). The orthodox experience. In J. H. Westerhoff & O. C. Edwards, Jr. (Eds.), A faithful church: Issues in the history of catechesis (pp. 236-260). Wilton, Conn: Morehouse-Barlow.
- статьи
- Tarasar, C. J. (1994, March). Experiences in orthodox religious education: The North American experience. Expanded edition of paper presented at the meeting of the Consultation on Orthodox Religious Education, Kykko Monastery, Cyprus.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1993a). Worship, spirituality and biblical reflection: Their significance for the churches' search for koinonia. Ecumenical Review, 45 (2), 218-225.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1993b). The little things that count. Christian Century, 110 (31), 1077-1079.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1992). Women in the mission of the church: Theological and historical reflections. International Review of Mission, 81 (322), 189-200.
- Tarasar, C.J. (1984). Christian education: Whose responsibility? The Orthodox Educator, 3 (Winter), 6-11.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1978). Sophie Shidlovsky Koulomzin: Architect of cooperative orthodox education. Religious Education, 73 (5), 91-100.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1968). Worship as education. International Journal of Religious Education, 44, 8-9.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1966a). An orthodox curriculum in development. Religious Education, 61 (6), 459-462.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1985a). [Review of the book Catechesis: The maturation of the body]. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 29 (1), 86-87.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1985b). [Review of the books Redeemed creation: Sacramentals today and Sacraments and sacramentality]. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 29 (1), 87-89.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1981b). Response. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 18 (4), 641-645.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1976a). Orthodox women's consultation. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 20 (4), 242-244.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1976b). Consultation on tradition and renewal in orthodox education. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 20 (4), 240-242.
- Hopko, T., & Tarasar, C. J. (1976c). Orthodox at Nairobi. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 20 (1-2), 37-42.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1974a). Liturgical education for community life. Religious Education, 69 (2), 243-246.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1972a). Women who minister: Encounter 1971. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 16 (2), 90-92.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1972b). Oriental churches consultation on Christian education. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 16 (2), 93-94.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1967). Consultation of the oriental churches on Christian education. St Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly, 11 (1), 40-43.
- Tarasar, C. J. (1966b). Comment. Study Encounter, 2 (2), 61-63.
- Matlak, Gregory (Robert). Constance Tarasar // Talbot school of theology.
- Liveris Leonie B. Ancient taboos and gender prejudice. Challenges for Orthodox women and the church. Aldershot, Hants, England, Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub., 2005.
- Dr. Constance Tarasar. November 7, 2014
- Boojamra, J. (1989). Foundations for Orthodox Christian education. Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press.
- Elias, J. L. (2002). A history of Christian education: Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox perspectives. Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company.
- Vrame, A. (2006). An overview of Orthodox Christian religious education. In M. de Souza, G. Durka, K. Engebretson, R Jackson, & A. McGrady (Eds.). International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education, part one (pp. 277-292). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.