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    • Словарь понятий/Е  + (Like-mindedness is the common reason of the multitude, a political friendship. Like-mindedness is associated with things that are indispensable and affect the whole way of life.)
    • Словарь понятий/Ч  + (Man is by nature a rational being, mortal, created by God in His image and likeness. Human nature is knowable and cannot be changed.)
    • Словарь понятий/В  + (Next to the first reality is posited an inNext to the first reality is posited an inauthentic and accidental second reality of human error, fantasy and rebellion against God. Citizen of the city of man lives in the world of his and others' fantasies, but this does not make him free from the judgement in the First reality. No fantasy can change the fact that the man was created and saved by God.that the man was created and saved by God.)
    • Словарь понятий/В  + (One of the attributes of God. Omnipotence is attributed to God in the sense that He has unlimited power to produce and control everything.)
    • Словарь понятий/В  + (One of the powers of the human soul. In gnosis, it becomes an independent means of the putative knowledge of the imaginary.)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (Order is the perfect dispensation of all tOrder is the perfect dispensation of all things, preserved by the Providence of God. Order is the key concept of Christian philosophy synonymous with the first reality. Despite human pride and stupidity, the Divine order in the world is indestructible, because the two Cities will have opposing ends: the City of God will end in Divine glory and the city of man will end in Divine condemnation.ty of man will end in Divine condemnation.)
    • Словарь понятий/В  + (Order, which is established by God and which consists in subordination of some beings to others, our power is accidental and covers only optional decisions)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (Pathological speech conveys all kinds of lies and false notions. Pathological speech does not let the dialogue be held, unless it is the gnostic dialogue.)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (Politics is the citizen's participation in deliberative or judicial administration. Politics is an example of God-established order. No public space can be deemed to be free of politics.)
    • Словарь понятий/У  + (Reason or nous is created by God, comprehends things as they are, and expresses its thoughts through intelligent speech.)
    • Словарь понятий/Р  + (Sane speech correctly conveys the truth, the true conclusions and what is truly meaningful. Sane speech makes dialogue possible as an expression of love for the truth.)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (Search is a manifestation of love for the truth when a man judges himself whether he stands in Truth or not.)
    • Словарь понятий/Г  + (Sin is the evil, violation of the Divine law and the will of God. Sin is the conscious and disorderly violation of God's commandments and fulfillment of them as human commandments.)
    • Словарь понятий/Г  + (The City of Man suffers from the constant The City of Man suffers from the constant discords of the present life: an opposition between good and evil, the Church and the world, between fullness and emptiness. The City of Man considers this contradiction imaginary and the citizens of this City solve it disorderly mixing good and evil. solve it disorderly mixing good and evil.)
    • Словарь понятий/Ц  + (The central question of human existence is: «Why am I created, not left in nothingness».)
    • Словарь понятий/М  + (The culture of the mass human, a form of gnosis, a way of knowing, of posession of the second reality. One of the three parts of the self - salvation religion, the modern form of the mythical theology. Also a form of propaganda.)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (The first reality is the only truly existiThe first reality is the only truly existing reality of a man created and saved by God. A Christian stands before God in the first reality and is a citizen of the City of God. Next to the first reality is posited an inauthentic and accidental second reality of human error, fantasy and rebellion against God. error, fantasy and rebellion against God.)
    • Словарь понятий/У  + (The human condition consists of the constant discords of present life endured by every human being.)
    • Словарь понятий/Г  + (The human race is not one-ness or «all-humThe human race is not one-ness or «all-humanity», but is divided into two societies: those that live by man and those who live by God. These divisions St. Augustine called two cities, that is, two societies of people, of which one is destined to reign forever with God, and the other to be subjected to eternal punishment with a devil.jected to eternal punishment with a devil.)
    • Словарь понятий/В  + (The irrational longing of a person to master his/her own destiny.)
    • Словарь понятий/М  + (The lifting up of man's mind and heart to God, manifested by devout words. Opposite to secular prayer.)
    • Словарь понятий/Р  + (The religion of salvation consists in faitThe religion of salvation consists in faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior. It is a revealed otherworldly religion that is established by God for men to be obedient to God and for the salvation of the soul. To saved you need the knowledge of the true God and the right faith of Him, and secondly, life by faith and good deeds. For salvation, one must not only have Orthodox Faith but also profess it.y have Orthodox Faith but also profess it.)
    • Словарь понятий/А  + (The religion of the Antichrist. Spiritual and political work on the creation of a religious and political body.)
    • Словарь понятий/Г  + (The state is an order of society, a monarchy, established by God in the image of His rule over everything created. The state is a just subordination of subjects to superiors.)
    • Словарь понятий/И  + (Truth is the First reality: the world created by God, the world of the fallen and the cursed, the world saved by Christ.)
    • Словарь понятий/Д  + (Virtue is the Good, the order of the soul that was created by God. Virtue has its image and foundation in God.)
    • Словарь понятий/М  + (We use these methods to find out whether aWe use these methods to find out whether a person is in the first or second reality. Methods: theological and philosophical teaching about man as the image of God, historical and philological method, method of distinguishing between entities, history of ideas, everyday history, comparative method.eas, everyday history, comparative method.)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (a Christian virtue. Knowledge of the truth, wisdom, openness to the God-Established order in the world and readiness to submit to it. The antonym of over-knowledge (over-awareness).)
    • Словарь понятий/Н  + (a Christian virtue. Peace of heart in God, with the assurance that He is constantly concerned for our salvation and gives us the promised bliss. Firm confidence in the future fulfillment of God's promises.)
    • Словарь понятий/С  + (a complex of secular rituals of worship of a person, nation, or collective to itself. The rituals of secular religion are invented traditions. The secular cult is served by ritual, pathological speech, and, primarily, various types of symbolic behaviour.)
    • Словарь понятий/Б  + (a discipline that expounds Christian dogmas in a systematic manner, with as much completeness, clarity, and thoroughness as possible, and in no other way than in the spirit of the Orthodox Church.)
    • Словарь понятий/О  + (a false, ideologically falsified concept of the universal.)
    • Словарь понятий/М  + (a gnostic community, consisting of ideologists and individuals where the second are led by the first. False unanimity dominates in mass society.)
    • Словарь понятий/М  + (a group of new people, united via community mysticism. The embodiment of the myth of the one (common) nature.)
    • Словарь понятий/С  + (a kind of antinomic mysticism, a joyous experience of world disorder.)
    • Словарь понятий/И  + (a kind of disorder, when the mixing of passions is accepted as the normal structure of the human soul.)
    • Словарь понятий/О  + (a kind of gnosis that leads to self-salvation through this-worldly affirmation.)
    • Словарь понятий/П  + (a kind of gnosticism that leads to self-salvation through negation of the world.)
    • Словарь понятий/К  + (a kind of opinion, a worldview that arises when you enjoy beauty.)
    • Словарь понятий/О  + (a kind of second reality, subjectively perceived by a person as an area of private life. A private person thinks that he lives a private life, as opposed to an ideologue who thinks that he lives a public life.)
    • Словарь понятий/К  + (a kind of secular cult. It is associated with the cult of particular poets, artists, and the Gnostic cult of creativity.)