Обсуждение:Спиритуализм (ругательное слово)

Материал из Два града

Spiritualization is a curse word serving to insult the Orthodox for their faith in the Kingdom of Heaven, renunciation of the world and faithfulness to the commandments. Opposite word — materialism.

«Spiritualism» is the distinction between body and soul:

"Before we gain the right to dispose of the old «symbols» we must understand that the real tragedy of Christianity is not its «compromise» with the world and progressive "materialism, " but on the contrary, its «spiritualization» and transformation into «religion .» And religion—as we know already—has thus come to mean a world of pure spirituality, a concentration of attention on matters pertaining to the «soul.» (For the life of the world, p.48)

Instead the idea of deification or justification of the flesh is put forward.

«Spiritualism» is also Christian’s renunciation of the world:

"Christians were tempted to reject time altogether and replace it with mysticism and «spiritual» pursuits, to live as Christians out of time and thereby escape its frustrations; to insist that time has no real meaning from the point of view of the Kingdom which is «beyond time.» (For the life of the world, p.48 — 49)

Fr. Alexander Schmemann declares that the faith in different, «purely spiritual and endless life — the life of the immortal soul — death being thus a natural passage from the one into the other» is «Platonic, idealistic and spiritualistic». (Of Water and the Spirit, p.61).