Северо-Американская православно-католическая комиссия

From Два града
Северо-Американская православно-католическая комиссия
The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation

Юрисдикция: экуменизм
Год основания: 1965
Место: Вустер (Массачусетс)
Руководители: Иаков (Кукузис), Серафим (Сторхейм)
Члены организации: Мейендорф Павел Иванович, Серафим (Сторхейм)
Направления: экуменизм, православно-католический диалог

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation (Вустер, Массачусетс. 9 сентября 1965 - ) - одна из наиболее влиятельных православно-католических организаций.


Решение о создании комиссии было принято в 1965 году Постоянной конференцией канонических православных епископов Америки и Конференцией католических епископов США. С 1997 года в работе комиссии участвует Конференция католических епископов Канады.

Первое заседание комиссии прошло 9 сентября 1965 года в соборе св. Спиридона в Вустере, Массачусетс. Председательствовали митр. Иаков (Кукузис) и вустерский католический епископ Бернард Флэнаган.


Со-председатели: митр. Мефодий Бостонский (с 2012) и архиеп. Грегори М. Эймонд.

В прошлом: митр. Максим Питтсбургский.

Исполнительный секретарь - протопресвитер Томас Фицджеральд (Константинопольский Патриархат).

Члены комиссии (2012): еп. Александр (Голицын), о. Николас Апостола, о. Джон Эриксон, о. Иаков Дутко, Павел Мейендорф, Деспина Прассас, Роберт Хаддад, София Смит, о. Роберт Стефанопулос, о. Феодор Пульчини, о. Патрик Вискузо.

основные документы

  • An Agreed Statement on the Holy Eucharist (December 13, 1969)
  • An Agreed Statement on Mixed Marriage (November 4, 1971)
  • An Agreed Statement on Respect for Life (May 24, 1974)
  • An Agreed Statement on the Church (December 10, 1974)
  • The Pastoral Office: A Joint Statement (May 19, 1976)
  • The Principle of Economy: A Joint Statement (May 19, 1976)
  • Reaction of the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue to the Agenda of the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church (September 29, 1977)
  • An Agreed Statement on the Sanctity of Marriage (December 8, 1978)
  • Joint Recommendations on the Spiritual Formation of Children in Marriages between Orthodox and Roman Catholics (October 11, 1980)
  • A Response to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church regarding the Munich Document: "The Mystery of the Church and of the Eucharist in the Light of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity" (May 25, 1983)
  • Apostolicity as God's Gift in the Life of the Church (November 1, 1986)
  • A Response to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church regarding the Bari Document: "Faith, Sacraments, and the Unity of the Church" (June 2, 1988)
  • An Agreed Statement on Conciliarity and Primacy in the Church (October 28, 1989)
  • A Joint Reaction by the Orthodox/Roman Catholic Consultation in the U.S.A. to the International Orthodox/Roman Catholic Commission's Valamo Document: "The Sacrament of Order in the Sacramental Structure of the Church with Particular Reference to the Importance of Apostolic Succession for the Sanctification and Unity of the People of God" (October 28, 1989)
  • A Joint Communique of the Orthodox/Roman Catholic Consultation in the United States on Current Tensions between our Churches in Eastern Europe (October 20, 1990)
  • Joint Statement of the United States Orthodox/Roman Catholic Consultation on Tensions in Eastern Europe Related to "Uniatism" (May 28, 1992)
  • A Response of the Orthodox/Roman Catholic Consultation in the United States to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church Regarding the Balamand Document: "Uniatism, Method of Union of the Past, and the Present Search for Full Communion" (October 15, 1994)
  • Common Response to the Aleppo Statement on the Date of Easter/Pascha (October 31, 1998)
  • Baptism and Sacramental Economy (June 3, 1999)
  • Sharing the Ministry of Reconciliation (June 10, 2000)
  • The Filioque: A Church-Dividing Issue? (October 25, 2003)
  • A Common Response to the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue Between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church Regarding the Ravenna Document: "Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church: Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity, and Authority" (October 24, 2009)
  • Celebrating Easter/Pascha Together (October 1, 2010)
  • Steps Towards a Reunited Church: A Sketch of an Orthodox-Catholic Vision for the Future (October 2, 2010)
  • The Importance of Sunday (October 27, 2012)

специальные заявления

  • A Statement by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bilateral Consultation on Persecution of the Greek Orthodox Community in Turkey (January 25, 1978)
  • Reaction to the Anthimos/Medeiros Agreement (May 29, 1982)
  • Statement on the Upcoming Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Ecumenical Patriarchate (October 28, 2006)

